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Monday 29 June 2015

SOLVED: ORA-00257 archiver error. Connect internal only, until freed

Normally this error occurs when the space allotted for the archive logs has been exhausted

First backup the archivelogs
mv /u10/oradata/mydb/arch/* /u15/oradata/mydb/arch-bkp/

Log in to rman and delete  the archive log
rman target /
delete archivelog until time 'trunc(sysdate)';

You should be able to startup the database or log in to it after which you can
backup the database.

backup database;

Thursday 25 June 2015

SOLVED: ORA-00845: MEMORY_TARGET not supported on this system

This message is shown when the shmfs file system is undersized and cannot accommodate the

The following command  mounts/remounts the shmfs file system with a new value of 12 Gb

[root@oracle-em oracle]# mount -t tmpfs shmfs -o size=12g /dev/shm

The above command changes the size but it does not persist after reboots.
To make the change persistent, edit your /etc/fstab file to include the option you specified above:

[root@oracle-em ~]# vi /etc/fstab

and alter the size value 
tmpfs /dev/shm tmpfs size=12g 0 0

Tuesday 23 June 2015

E-Business Suite Page Not Found message when opening login page

 This error can be show in two ways
Page Not Found


500 Internal Server Error - java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError on Login 

Solution 1

In My Computer, navigate to $INST_TOP\apps\servername\ora\10.1.3\j2ee

There are three directories under this j2ee directory: forms, oacore and oafm.

Under each of these directories (forms, oacore and oafm), there are directories named forms_default_group_1, oacore_default_group_1 and oafm_default_group_1 respectively. 

Under each of these default_group_1 directories, there is a directory called ‘persistence’.

In these three ‘persistence’ directories, there are files with extension ‘.lock’.

Delete the files with the ‘.lock’ extension.

Then log onto E-Business Suite. The application loads.

Solution 2

You can disable the use of the Distributed JVM cache by changing the line in $ORA_CONFIG_HOME/10.1.3/j2ee/oacore/config/ that says LONG_RUNNING_JVM=true to LONG_RUNNING_JVM=false.

eg \oracle\Test\inst\apps\servername\ora\10.1.3

Note: This is recommended only as a short term workaround and for determining if the problem is with the java object caching or not.

Wednesday 17 June 2015

How to install oracle products on Oracle Enterprise Linux

Simple videos on installing Oracle VM, Database, Enterprise manager on Oracle Enterprise Linux

Installing Oracle Linux

Top 10 Fraud Risks in Oracle E-Business Suite


Guarding against fraud within the Oracle E-Business Suite requires multiple actions on several fronts – within the ERP applications, written policies and procedures, and IT security. 

Setting up roles and responsibilities to ensure segregation of duties, developing anti-fraud policies and procedures, and implementing effective monitoring are required. IT Security must be implemented by installing rigorous controls and configurations, requiring operational best practices and procedures, and monitoring for fraudulent activities.

Click below for the fraud risks that functional administrators and database administrators must be cognizant of at all times.

Top 10 Fraud Risks in Oracle E-Business Suite

Issues affecting the finance staff of small companies using Oracle E-Business Suite

Importance of Account Reconciliations in Oracle E-Business Suite modules

The finance department in most organizations is coming under increasing pressure to transform and streamline the financial close and reporting function while continuing to maintain the integrity of the financial statements and close process. A key part of this close process includes the completion of detailed account reconciliations, which can be a major bottleneck in the close process.

The necessity for understanding and certifying an account balance and its transactions is prompted by regulatory and audit control requirements.  In addition to the statutory pressure for account reconciliations, the current economic situation makes it imperative for Finance executives to understand the details and transactions behind every account. They need to be able to easily identify fraudulent, improper and excessively aged transactions.

In most organizations, the account reconciliation process is a very time consuming and manual process. A robust and integrated account reconciliation software application will allow Finance to more effectively manage their business. 

Account Reconciliations: An Essential Part of the Financial Close

Account Reconciliations fulfill an important role in ensuring financial statements contain accurate information. Balances that were accurate one month may require adjustment the next, due to changes in circumstances affecting the company. For example, a company in litigation must evaluate contingent liability accruals to make sure they reflect a reasonable estimate of the expected loss. In a sales transaction, cash may be received before the revenue can be recognized, and the entry to recognize revenue must be timed to match satisfaction of revenue recognition requirements. For reasons like these, companies must perform an analysis of account balances on a periodic basis and consider whether adjustments are required. This process, if not performed properly, can result in the accumulation of significant errors as time goes on. 

Some of the key challenges in account reconciliations include ensuring all accounts are being reconciled, that the reconciliation itself is complete and proper, and that the company is maintaining the proper evidence that this control activity was performed. Oracle’s experience with customers reveals that this tedious process is typically performed in Microsoft Excel, where Finance staff manually enter the balances to be reconciled and the analysis justifying the account balances. Managers usually send emails or make phone calls to track progress and follow up on delinquencies. Due to the challenges in tracking account reconciliations, companies typically prepare and review most reconciliations on the same schedule and are often not factoring in risk when determining frequency and due dates.

Common failure points include:

Missing or lost reconciliations

Un-reconciled accounts

Improper use of roll-forwards

Reconciliation of the wrong balance (balance changed after certification)

Insufficient justification or documentation

When these failures occur, audit findings can result in a significant deficiency or a material weakness in internal control, and costs can reach the hundreds of thousands, or even millions of dollars.

General Ledger Balance Sheet Reconciliations

These reconciliations typically cover all active balance sheet accounts (any account open for posting), including accounts with a zero balance. The justification for including zero balance accounts is that the existence of a zero balance doesn’t mean the balance is proper. It could be that the balance should have been something other than zero.

The objective of General Ledger Reconciliations is to ensure that the balances used for financial reporting are accurate. They are typically performed monthly, though some low risk / low volume accounts may be reconciled less frequently, such as quarterly, or in the case of equity, annually. The method used for reconciliation depends on the nature of the account. If the account is supported by a subledger, then the reconciliation typically requires a comparison of the general ledger balance to the subledger balance, followed by an analysis of the subledger balance to support reasonableness. For example, accounts receivable reconciliations will often contain an aging of the receivables balance, to ensure the balance contains no excessively aged receivables that should be written off. Accounts not supported by a subledger require an analysis of the account balance. Specifically, the reconciler must be able to document what the balance should be, based on their understanding of the business and the economic conditions supporting postings to the account. For all types of accounts, if errors are detected in the account balance, then reconciling items must be documented explaining the difference and the action to be taken to resolve the discrepancy. 

Extracted from Oracle Hiperion white paper-Reducing the pain of Account Reconciliations

Books every Oracle E-Business Suite Functional Administrator should have

1.Oracle E-Business Suite Financials Handbook (Oracle Press) Ben Prusinski, Gustavo Gonzalez, Mohan Dutt

2. Oracle Procure-to-Pay Guide (Oracle Press)Melanie Anjele Cameron, Melanie Cameron

8. Oracle E-Business Suite: A Fixed Assets Perspective: Unlock the mystery of Oracle Assets  Mr Brian R. Bouchard

10. Oracle Database 11g A Beginner's Guide Ian Abramson, Michael Abbey, Michael Corey 

12. Oracle Database 11g DBA Handbook (Oracle Press)  Bob Bryla, Kevin Loney 

Useful information for Oracle EBS functional users.

Useful information for Oracle EBS functional users.

Commonly used srvctl commands

What is srvctl? it is the Server Control Utility, we use SRVCTL to start and stop the database and instances, manage configuration information, and to add, move or remove instances and services.
These are some of the srvctl commands I frequently use, this is not a complete reference guide.

I organized the commands as follows:
  • To start a rac database
  • To stop a rac database
  • To check status and configurations
  • To start and stop instances
  • To start, stop and manage services
Start a rac database (order: nodeapps – asm – database)
srvctl start nodeapps -n nodename
srvctl start asm -n 

srvctl start database -d dbname
options are: srvctl start database -d 
dbname -o open | -o mount | -o nomount
Stop a rac database (order: database – asm – nodeapps)
srvctl stop database -d dbname -o immediate
options are: srvctl stop database -d dbname -o normal | -o transactional | -o immediate | -o abort
srvctl stop asm -n nodename
options are: srvctl stop asm -n nodename -o immediate
srvctl stop nodeapps -n nodename
To check status and configurations
srvctl status nodeapps -n nodename
srvctl config nodeapps -n nodename
srvctl status asm -n nodename
srvctl config asm -n nodename
srvctl status database -d dbname
srvctl config database -d dbname (shows instances name, node and oracle home)
srvctl status instance -d dbname -i instancename
srvctl status service -d dbname
To start and stop instances
srvctl start instance -d dbname -i instancename
srvctl stop instance -d dbname -i instancename
To start, stop and manage services
srvctl status service -d dbname
srvctl config service -d dbname
srvctl start service -d dbname -s servicename
srvctl stop service -d 
dbname -s servicename
srvctl relocate service -d dbname -s servicename -i instancename -t newinstancename [-f]
srvctl documentation for Oracle 10G R2 and 11G
taken from